Book an appointment with Daniel using Setmore

Pool Closings

Pool Closing Packages

Closing your pool for the season the right way and at the right time is very important. Water expands when frozen and can cause damage to your pool and pool equipment. An improperly closed swimming pool can result in costly repairs.

Our pool closing services are the best insurance to avoid any damage caused by weather conditions. Let an expert take care of your fall/winter pool closing.

Signature Package

$ 425

Our Gold Pool Closing package is everything you need to make sure your swimming pool survives the winter undamaged and will be opened next spring without any unpleasant surprises. The pool closing package price is based on standard pool size and includes 1 filter, 1 pump, 1 skimmer and 2 returns. Extra features are subject to additional charges – see below.

When our maintenance crew arrives, we will do the following:

Extra Pricing

Vacuum during closing – $115.00 (must be requested when booking; water must be clear)
Attached Spa – $125.00
Waterfalls – $75.00 per waterfall

Chemical closing kit – $50.00 (recommended; includes Algaecide, Stain & Scale and Oxidizer)Extra Pump – $50.00
Booster Pump (ex. for Polaris cleaner) – $35.00
Extra Skimmer – $25.00
Auto Filler – $45.00

Additional charges for green or leaf ridden pools on a per hour basis. Pools and/or spa’s with extra jets and main drains are subject to additional charges.

All prices based on standard pool size and include: 1 filter, 1 pump, 1 skimmers, 2 return.

How to Prepare for your appointment